
8 Things No One Tells You While Shopping For Engagement Rings

A lot of people fail to understand the roller coaster of emotions a person goes through while selecting an engagement ring. There are certain things you should consider while shopping for engagement rings. There are certain points you should see for yourself to get hints for picking the precise ring.

1. Listen intently when she talks about jewelry

The day you decide to get engaged, the discussion of jewelry will suddenly become interesting. Notice any hint that you get, be it from the discussion of her likes and dislikes or whether she likes a vintage style or trendy designs. You can even take a day off to browse rings together. This might sound a bit unromantic but this will give you a fair idea of her likes and dislikes. After all she is the one who is going to wear it so her choice matters the most here. You can even take help from her friends to understand her taste better.

2. Consult her friends

There might come a point when you might consult her friends to help you out. To score more points, confide in someone close to your partner to get the insights of her preference in ring. You can ask her friend to casually ask her about her dream ring. You can also tag them along while buying the ring. In fact the maid of honour will be more than happy to accompany you to purchase wedding ring. By far they are the best allies in this venture. Just make sure she keeps it a secret and no one else knows about it.

3. Buy what she wants

When you go for shopping, do not think only your efforts count. Instead of buying what you like, opt for something that she loves. You might have a better taste than her but it is her ring and she is the one who will be wearing it for life. In this case more than your preference, it is her choice that matters. You may like round cut where as she may like princess cut, so settling for the latter is the better decision. Always think what she loves and not what you like.

4. All diamonds appear the same

At first all diamonds appear the same. You will remain awestruck when you see the first diamond because it is sparkly, shiny and looks stunning. Control your urge to whip out the wallet and buy without checking others. Remember not all diamonds are same and you need thorough understanding of them before taking your call. Take your time, ask questions, browse the internet and then make your purchase.

5. Learn the four Cs of diamond

As you all know, diamond has 4 Cs: carat, color, clarity and cut. Shopping for a ring is one of the most stressful tasks. I can the most memorable purchase if done properly. Without understand the 4Cs of diamonds clearly making a purchase is waste. So take your time before your shop.

6. Going custom is a good option

Customizing the ring might sound complicated and expensive but it is not. Diamonds and the settings do not always come as one package. Buying a ring directly is easier but you can also opt for a custom made ring. Custom rings don’t mean expensive but it simply means merging the stone from one ring and setting from other. This way you can design your perfect engagement ring.

7. There is no budget for a perfect ring

Buying an engagement ring is going to be expensive. If your budget is tight, be upfront and let your jeweler know about it. Nobody will like to get debt ridden especially for something so special and important. Remain firm about your limit. It is your money, your big day and your time so make the most of it by narrowing down the best available option in your budget.

8. Time for proposal

After buying your dream diamond engagement ring, you will be in the correct position to pop the big question. You will just want to adorn her finger with the beautiful diamond ring. Planning the proposal is as important as purchasing the ring. You don’t have to go over the top, be subtle and like a gentleman give her the dream proposal which she deserves.