
Tips To Start Your Day To Be More Productive

Every day at the office is a new beginning, you need to do several tasks some are the routine task and some you need to do as per the projects you are getting. To be more productive in your office you should have a proper start of your day. Many people start their work at the office in a tiring way that makes their whole day not so energetic. To do max in your office, here are some simple but easy things you should do in the starting 10-20 minutes at work.

Clear your office desk

The first thing you should do is cleaning your office desk. Papers, sticky notes, pen, staplers, etc. can hurt your working so make sure your desk is clean and ready to beginning the day in the starting 10 minutes.

Connect with co-workers

While beginning your day at work, greet the co-workers. Starting the day with a warm hello, good morning, etc. wishes are the best way to start your day and connecting with colleagues to streamline your work. It brings positive ambiance around you.

Check emails and revert the important ones

Check your emails quickly and mark as per priority and note down the important tasks or information from the emails. Revert back to the needed once or mark as per your requirements. This will keep your mailbox clean and managed to improve your work speed.

Note down the important task for the day

Note down the important task for the day in priority so that you can have a systematic approach for accomplishing your work. Every task assigned in office is important but vary in their priorities. So as per the deadlines and requirement manage your to do work list.

Make important calls

You might have left a sticky note to call the vendor or any other important person, for any specific reason, make sure you do it as soon as possible. Later, you might get busy in your routine task and may forget to make the call.

Organise the storage cabinets

Arrange your files, documents and clean your used filing cabinets regularly to keep your office belongings and important files fruitfully.

Remember God

Before beginning your day, pray or remind God for few minutes asking him to give you strength and power to accomplish your work efficiently and to make your day a good day.