
Things You Should Have On Your Office Desk

Several things happen every day on your office desk. Every day brings new experience with it. To make the time you spend at your desk enjoyable and convenient here is the list of some important things you should have on your desk.

Lists of works to be done

The first thing you should prepare is the list of work you need to accomplish every day. You can do so in the first few minutes when you reach your desk before starting the work.

Spare charger

You should have a spare charger for your mobile and laptop in the drawers of your office desks. Do not let your gadgets drain the battery as if power cuts you won't be able to use the things and that can hurt your work.

Healthy snacks

Have some healthy snacks like your favourite fruits, nuts, cookies, biscuits, etc. to calm down the taste buds and hunger. Keeping the edibles in your reach will save your time as you need not have to go to the canteens for having something.

Water bottle

To work fruitfully, you are required to keep yourself healthy and hydrated. You should keep a reusable water bottle on your desk.

Box of tissues

Be a good employee and take care of hygiene and comforts of the co-workers and use tissues to sneeze and while eating the cheesy sandwich. Having a box of tissues is a must thing.

Desk cleaner

You might be using used office desks for working. But, your desk has to clean and efficient. So keep desk cleaners at your side to remove the stain of coffee, etc. immediately.

Mints or gums

If you are involved in communicating with your co-workers frequently, have some mint or breathe gums at your side and have them to avoid the unpleasant stinking smell.

Have personal care products in your drawer

You might be required to go out for a meeting or on a date after the office and here comes the need of deodorant, face wash, and other essentials to make you look and feel fresh and good.

Important phone numbers

You should have a list of important phone numbers and extension numbers of other employees in your reach to save time and avoid inconvenience to the colleagues working around you.