
Different Types Of Furniture Finishes

Selecting wooden office furniture is a good alternative for bringing a touch of royalty and elegance in the ambiance. While selecting the furniture you look for each and every aspect counting the look, usability, feel and more. Have you ever consider about the furniture finishes you should choose for your wooden furniture for your premises.

There are several sorts of furniture finishes are present that reflects distinct impact on the furniture pieces when applied. These are divided into distinct categories counting oils, waxes, lacquers, shellacs, varnishes, water-based finishes. Here, are some of the wooden furniture finishes explained to help you choose the best one for your furniture pieces.


Varnish is the transparent, hardwearing, or coloured, preservative, decorative finish that highlights sheltering the surface of your wooden furniture. These are available in high gloss and matte versions. You can also select oil based or water based varnish if needed.


With dye you can enhance the natural colour and shade of the wooden furniture. Dyes can give a matte finish and can be amalgamated with the existing colour. For perfect finish of dye you may require to apply several coats. For application, using brush is recommended as it gives perfect finish.


Wax coating are translucent or transparent gives decorative finish. These can give high gloss to the furniture. This nourishes the furniture, available in both water and oil based types.


Oil is the transparent finish protecting and nourishing the wood. Exterior surfaces may drop their finish but continue protected. You can attain perfect finish by polishing and is useful for interior and exterior surface of your secondhand office desks.

Wood preserver

Wood preserver is the best quality finish that protects your wooden furniture from the insect and rot damage. These are accessible coloured and clear with semi gloss and matte finish.

You can choose any sort of finish for your wooden furniture for home and office. This will improve the appearance of the furniture and increase their life.