
Diamond Engagement rings for lifetime

A diamond engagement ring is a symbol of love for the bride and the bride groom.  When you go to buy a diamond engagement ring you need to sure about your budget as well as the type of diamond that you wish to purchase. Also, the best place to  buy engagement rings are shops that come with certified diamonds. This ensures that the diamond engagement ring you procure is of best quality. Diamond engagement rings come in various shapes,sizes and designs.


There are diamond engagement rings that are made of 18K  white or yellow gold with just a solitaire in the centre.
Here are rings that are made of pure gold eg. 2 carat gold with a diamond solitaire in the centre of the ring. But these are the traditional ones. Now, the engagement rings available come in various designs such as the design of reptiles, animals, plants, flowers. Here we can quote the examples of contemporary designer rings that come with a bouquet of sunflowers or two to three sunflowers protruding broadly on the ring with diamond studded in each petal.


You can buy rings that have gemstones in them along with diamonds Eg. Rings with geometrical shapes with gemstones like sapphire, ruby, topaz implanted in them along with diamonds as their border. There are engagement rings that are beautifully made in gold having three squares carved on them that in turn have three diamonds engraved. One can also find rings with budgets or cuts in them; cut to the left, right or center and one or two diamonds adorning the cut giving it a stylish look.

Diamond engagement rings are very popular and the most expensive of all the rings available around you. Diamond is the most wanted, most cherished, and most expensive of all the precious gemstones one can think of. Depending upon its shape, size, and color, there are different varieties of diamond engagement rings.
Also, with reference to budgets there are engagement rings that have two cuts on both sides with diamonds  connecting them to each other. These designs mentioned are mostly for  women. But men need not worry, there are diamond rings that you can flaunt too in your circle. For men the shape of the engagement ring is quite broad. It is made up of white or yellow gold or pure gold; as per choice. There can be just a single diamond in the centre of the ring. Also there are designs for male rings in which there are squares made in rows with diamonds embellished in them which give an elegant look.  Whatever be the design a diamond engagement ring is something your beloved will look forward to possess.