
5 Mistakes To Avoid While Office Cleaning

In an office premise, the responsibilities of an office manager go afar making certain that processes run efficiently. The position also necessitates you to make sure the office is hygienic and clean. Dirt-free and tidy working surroundings can improve productivity quality and perk up employee morale.

Some managers do not pay attention to the Office Cleaning and hygiene of the office that reflect bad impression of the brand in direct or indirect ways. One should keep a balance between all the essential aspects to maintain a good brand image.

Here, are some of the common mistakes done by people while cleaning the offices

Using too much cleaning agents -

While cleaning the office area, using too much of cleaning agents can cause harm to your expensive office furniture and belongings. This decreases the beauty and charm of the expensive products you are having at your workplace.

Scrubbing the carpet for cleaning -

The splashing of coffee or juice on the carpet is common at workplaces. People generally used to scrub the carpet hard for cleaning the stain and their act causes the carpet stands to get loose and letting the liquid enter more deeper. Instead, take out the extra liquid with a spoon and then use a carpet cleaner to remove the remaining stains.

Use of furniture polishing on dust -

Generally, polishing is done on the natural wooden furniture that is very good for enhancing their life. However, nowadays in many offices, different kind of furniture is used that are not of natural wood. This furniture is already polished and laminated. Polishing over this is a waste of time and recourse, instead using a damp rug for cleaning the dust will do well.

Using incorrect tools for cleaning -

For making your office, cleaning perfect and effective, using the right and high-quality cleaning tools is important. People do not pay much attention over this while cleaning their workplace. Hence, they do not get desired results.

Lack of water and waste disposal -

Proper disposal of water and waste is important. Teach your employees properly dispose of the degradable and non-degradable waste for keeping the office clean and green.

So, avoid these cleaning mistakes and keep your office clean, bringing positive vibes and inspiring ambiance to the place.