
11 Office Desk Etiquettes For Newbie

It is your first job

Feeling excited

Yes, you should feel so. First impression is the last impression is a very true saying. The first day of your job becomes a memorable day for many of us in different ways. Some have very good experience, some have a mixed and some have bitter experiences of the first day at work. There may be many reasons behind these things. To make your first job experience memorable in a good way you can follow involve these office desk etiquettes to impress your office people. With time you would learn the things but for the beginners here are some office desk tips.

• As soon as you got introduced with your new office desk and chair to work, make yourself comfortable with the things. Give time and if you are having any problem with the desk or chair you got, ask the senior or concern person politely for changing it.

• Keep your desk clean and tidy as it is the first thing any individual observe when comes to your place.

• Keep all the important documents, papers, etc. well-managed at their respective places, so that you can find them easily when needed.

• Try to avoid bringing soft toys, frames, posters of your favourite stars, etc. until your profession allows so. In software or other professional companies, these look childish and unprofessional.

• Keep the unwanted papers, pens, pencils, etc. away from the desk and keep only the essential things you require on the desk.

• Having food or beverages at the desk is like an invitation to the insects. Avoid making your desk an unpleasant mess by avoiding having food at the desk. Make sure the desk is cleaned properly if you had something there.

• Never peep in the others desk. No one likes others’ interference in their work. So,

• Do not hinder other’s privacy. Knock before entering at other’s desk; contact them on chat or extension lines, avoiding disturbing other by shouting from the desk.

• Do not make annoying sounds from the office chairs and desk. This may make your colleagues feel irritated.

• If you are facing any problem related to work, do not panic. Ask with the concerned person and do not discuss your small things with the entire office again and again. This may let you down in their eyes.

• Avoid smoking at the desk.