
Orthodontic Treatments Foods To Avoid

Orthodontic Treatments Foods To Avoid

Orthodontic treatments are the best dental treatment to improve the imperfection of your teeth for the lifetime. For best results, you should avoid hard, sticky, crunchy, chewy food. Eating such food would not break the braces or wire, but it would make you feel pain and soreness in the teeth.

While wearing braces you need to take more care of your teeth and gums. As you see, the brackets and wires have a lot of crannies and nooks that can entrap food and plaque. This means while wearing braces, the risk of gum problems and tooth decay may be higher. You have to take more care about your diet and brush teeth twice a day to avoid any permanent decay. If you will not keep your braces clean, permanent damage to the tooth enamel may occur.

You may also experience inflamed, bleeding gums that can cause life-long problem if left untreated. So, take proper and regular checkups while having the orthodontic treatments.

Have a Tooth-friendly diet plan -

Dental professionals are guiding people to have proper low acid food to improve their overall oral health. Avoid these foods while wearing braces -

Sticky or hard chocolates
Hard candies
Corn chips
Ice cubes
Burgers & pizzas loaded with cheese

And other hard, chewy, and sticky foods that can stick to your braces and cause long-term dental problems. If you are drinking any sweet drink or having such food, brush immediately to avoid dental problems.

Adapt braces-friendly diet and habits to get max of your treatment. You can have hard fruits like apple, carrots by cutting into small pieces that are easy to chew. Have bananas, tomato, soups, melons, mashed potatoes, and other soft food to enjoy a healthy diet and attain flawless teeth.